Nutrition and Food Security Alliance of Namibia

During July 2024, NAFSAN is conducting an initial survey to learn more about employee wellness in Namibia, with a  focus on support to working parents and newborn babies.

Click here to participate. Results will be shared during the World Breastfeeding Week: 1-7 August 2024. 

Please Note: We have moved into our new office space in 161 Mandume Ndemufayo Avenue (see map & description).

Click the image to learn more...

Click to read... (July'23)

Click to read... (April'24)

Watch our Short Documentary on NAFSAN’s Urban Gardening & Nutrition project from in 2020/21 which is being scaled up to support low-income communities by bringing health and agriculture together in practical ways! – Also learn more about our latest Nutrition-for-Health training approach.

Exciting New Resources on Gardening & Nutrition here! –>

Protect Our Water!

Read NAFSAN’s Letter regarding plans for in-situ uranium mining in the Stampriet Aquifers.

World Food Day - 2023

Learn more about DOOIY and its free creative solutions for Food Security and beyond on Wednesday, 13 March 2024 in Windhoek.


Nutrition – Power the Change at the SUN Movement Global Gathering on 25-28 November 2024 in Ruanda

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The Fill the Nutrient Gap analysis for Namibia is currently pending approval, with a preliminary Summary Report and findings related to Agriculture Supply and Food Fortification as well as Health, Social Protection and Education.


+ + + BREAKING NEWS (local) + + +

Insightful Short Videos and Talks


Our VISION is for everyone in Namibia to have the resources, knowledge and motivation to ensure food security and optimal nutritional status for themselves, and for all children in Namibia to be sufficiently well-nourished.