Nutrition and Food Security Alliance of Namibia
Ahead of the Nutrition-for-Growth Summit in March 2025, we started fascilitating Nutrition Dialogues in Hardap, Omaheke and Otjozondjupa Regions.
In December 2024, together with Namibian colleagues from the Office of the Prime Minister and Ministries of Health and Agriculture, NAFSAN participated in the preparatory workshop in Mombasa (Kenya) for the “Nutrition for Growth Summit“ – to measure progress on Civil Society’s Commitments andNamibia’s Commitments
Watch our Short Documentary on NAFSAN’s Urban Gardening & Nutrition project from in 2020/21 which is being scaled up to support low-income communities by bringing health and agriculture together in practical ways! – Also learn more about our latest Nutrition-for-Health training approach.
Exciting New Resources on Gardening & Nutrition here! –>

Protect Our Water!
Read NAFSAN’s Letter regarding plans for in-situ uranium mining in the Stampriet Aquifers.
NAFSAN remains concerned about ReconAfrica’s oil explorations in the Okavango Delta, threatening Namibia’s Water Reserves -> see: fact sheet.
One of Namibia’s first home-grown Nutritionists, Ms. Carmen Letlhagoje, presented our Nutrition for Health approach on a global stage at the Committee on World Food Security’s Side Event, titled: ‘Nourish to Flourish’ in Rome, Italy on 23 October 2024. –> Watch the Panel Discussion
Catch up on the results from NAFSAN’s first Employee Wellness Survey, which were published during World Breastfeeding Week (1-7 August 2024)
+ + +
The Fill the Nutrient Gap analysis for Namibia is currently pending approval, with a preliminary Summary Report and findings related to Agriculture Supply and Food Fortification as well as Health, Social Protection and Education.
Namibia’s Strategy for the Transformation of the Agri-food Sector (STAS) was launched on 6 Nov.’24, with NAFSAN co-signing the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) towards greater alignment of stakeholders in the agri-food sector.
+ + + BREAKING NEWS (local) + + +
Malnutrition A Key Concern in Namibia, with ± 600 child deaths per year – article on NBC News on 12 July 2023
1.5 million Namibians cannot afford a Healthy Meal – article in The Namibian on 12 July 2023
45 Children Die of Malnutrition-related Conditions – article on NBC News on 5 July 2023
How-the-green-revolution-is-harming-Africa – article in the The Namibian on 20 May 2021
Sugar, the toxic drug – article in The Namibian on 14 October 2020

+ + + Global & Important Reports + + +
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World Report 2023 has been launched!