Becoming a member organisation is a worthwhile investment into the future, as nutrition plays a significant role in helping us achieve the SDGs = Sustainable Development Goals.
Join NAFSAN and become a pro-active partner in the multisectoral multi-stakeholder approach in implementing Namibia’s revised National Food and Nutrition Security Policy.

Being a member of NAFSAN provides organisations with better opportunities to take collaborative action towards improving food security and ensuring optimal health and nutrition for all.
NAFSAN’s Constitution (Sect. 3.4.1.) highlights essential benefits for active members, yet there are several additional benefits in joining NAFSAN as a young, dynamic, and innovative national alliance, as listed below.
NAFSAN’s Membership Fee Structure is available by clicking here.
NAFSAN’s core functions are to work in partnership with a broad variety of stakeholders from multiple sectors, support its members, to actively promote collaboration among its members, and to explore synergies.
Hence, benefits of being a member of this vibrant alliance include but are not limited to the following:
Specific benefits for Civil Society Organisations & Academic Institutions:
- Your organisation will have fresh opportunities to expand your network and collaborate with other organizations operating in various sectors, including government and private sector.
- Free access to information, education, and communication materials on nutrition, health, and sustainable food production and processing, as well as opportunities to become a contributor and developer of such materials.
- Free or discounted access to other resources and training opportunities offered by NAFSAN, its members, or other experts/organisations.
- Additional capacity building support and networking opportunities, including sharing of knowledge, skills and valuable lessons learned from projects, events, and campaigns.
- Using NAFSAN as a platform and recognised umbrella body to enhance advocacy and awareness raising related to food and nutrition security.
- Sharing of calls for funding proposals, as well as additional research and training opportunities on national, regional, and global levels.
- Participation in different Food and Nutrition Security Working Groups on national and subnational levels, depending on your organisation’s areas of work, expertise, and presence in the respective regions.
- Improved internship opportunities for students from academic institutions, as well as access to qualified interns from such academic institutions for civil society organisations.
- In addition, individuals within member organisations who are actively involved will gain personal and professional knowledge and experiences from collaborating with other organisation and individual experts in their respective fields.
- All members will automatically receive NAFSAN’s Newsletter on a regular basis, in which members and their activities are featured, which highlights and promotes stories of success, and which makes it easier to look for synergies with other role-players and key stakeholders.
- Members are also invited to participate in all General Meetings and eligible to participate in key decision making processes and are eligible to serve on the NAFSAN Board.
Specific benefits for the Private Sector (small, medium and large businesses):
- Your organisation will form part of Namibia’s evolving business network for nutrition that collaborates on making smart investment into Namibia’s social infrastructure.
- Complement and enhance your internal wellness programmes by adding knowledge and awareness around health and nutrition (e.g., addressing malnutrition, obesity and other health risks related to non-communicable diseases), resulting in healthier, happier and more productive employees, for instance through our highly interactive and engaging Nutrition-for-Health training.
- Contribution towards a better tomorrow by supporting food security and ensuring optimal nutritional status for all Namibians is an excellent use of Corporate Social Responsibility and useful for positive public relations, marketing and building a more sustainable brand.
- Learn about how you can align yourself and your organisation with the Triple Bottom Line: People, Planet & Prosperity (Profit).
- Ongoing opportunities to collaborate and network with other businesses, civil society organisations, and academic institutions, working towards profitable, sustainable and innovative business models required to scale up nutrition.
- Forming part of a multi-sector multi-stakeholder movement and participating in different Food and Nutrition Security Working Groups on national and sub-national levels, depending on your organisation’s areas of work, expertise, and presence in the respective regions.
- Being connected to an international business network that is dedicated to overcome malnutrition while investing into a more healthy and competent future workforce.
- All members will automatically receive NAFSAN’s Newsletter on a regular basis, with helpful information and featuring members and their activities to highlight and promote stories of success, hereby aiming for synergies with other role-players and key stakeholders.
- Members are also invited to participate in all General Meetings and eligible to participate in key decision making processes and are eligible to serve on the NAFSAN Board.
Benefits for Individuals – which are the exception, as NAFSAN is primarily an alliance for organisations – are:
- Getting involved in worthy causes, supporting crucial national development, and giving back by sharing your expertise with projects, organisations, and aspiring young professionals and volunteers in the wide-ranging field of food and nutrition security
- Participation in relevant Food and Nutrition Security Working Groups on national or sub-national levels, depending on your areas of expertise and availability.
- Sharing your knowledge and specific insights through presentations, at events or through articles on our or one of our partners’ websites or in other publications, thereby raising your professional profile within Namibia and globally.
- Receiving notifications about and participating in special activities and upcoming events that are specifically designed for members.
- Learning about innovative ways of working and collaborating in multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder settings.
- Joining NAFSAN can furthermore deepen already existing relationships, forge professional connections, and provide new opportunities for collaboration.